About me
I started in the fitness industry in 1995, teaching multiple classes on a daily basis, working on the gym floor, and then progressing into gym management. I also took pride in exercising for myself too: running (even entered a few running races), gym sessions, but I found my motivation in taking part in a variety of classes. With a varied and substantial fitness regime, and following a vegetarian diet of low-fat, high fiber, whole grain and lots of protein, I became the ideal role model as a fitness professional. Or so I thought.
At 33, my body started slowing down (perhaps having two children, or maybe a shift in hormones?) I started to store more body fat, finding excess weight harder to shift, my body certainly wasn't responding like it used to no matter what I tried. I needed to take action and try something new; shake things up a bit (or perhaps a lot). So I entered a bodybuilding competition. As you do.
I spent the following 3 years living and breathing like a (now meat eating) bodybuilder - eat, train, sleep, repeat. Chicken, rice, broccoli, sweet potato: 6-8 times a day, 3 litres of green water (apple amino acids), weighing food, counting macro's and a constant stack of plastic boxes everywhere! I was also now suffering painful inflammation in my right hip, later this was confirmed as arthritis. Engaging in extreme diet & exercise was both mentally & physically exhausting. It just wasn't sustainable. My healthy lifestyle turned out to be not so healthy after all!
Fast forward another 10 years +, and things have shifted yet again... I'm another 10 years older (and like to think wiser) and again I witness changes in my body - especially around the tummy area.
Now, without stating the obvious, its safe to say that age comes to us all. And as females a big shift in hormones around this time.
Hot flushes, itchy skin, anxiety, disrupted sleep, ringing in ears, bodily aches and pains... to name just a few.
However, I recognise that I don't suffer from these symptoms and I truly believe it's down to the life I live. I want an effortless relationship with food, one that is maintainable, and one that will let me live my middle aged life happy and as symptom free as possible. As a perimenopausal woman (currently aged 49) I truly believe that the food that we eat, the exercise that we do and the lifestyle we keep helps us balance our hormones and live our lives in the most optimal way we can.
Since, adopting a primal diet (none to very little processed foods & sugars) I honestly believe that I have re-programmed my genes to rid my unwanted body fat (and belly bloat) regulate my daily energy levels (no more afternoon naps), reduce the inflammation in my hip, making recovery from exercise a lot easier. I have found the balancing of food, stress, sleep and movement a lifestyle change that I can't wait to share it with other woman out there.